What is the auction?
The annual Loyal Heights PTA auction is not only our largest fundraiser of the year, it’s our biggest community building opportunity, as we come together to support the education of our children. The funds raised by our auction allow us to close the gap between district funding and the actual cost of quality education. These dollars ensure there are adequate resources to support our teachers, staff and enrichment programs to sustain and enhance our school year after year.
Why do we need an auction?
Education revenue from the state and what our local district is permitted to raise will fall short of what schools currently spend on basic education. The LHE PTA budget for the 2018-19 school year been approved at $274,288. That equates to nearly $610 per child to cover our expenses. As the biggest fundraiser of the year (auction typically brings in 75% of our annual income), this event helps us continue to fund the critical programs that make Loyal Heights such an amazing school. Included in this year’s budget are:
- School counselor
- Office support + lunch/recess supervision
- Professional development resources for teachers
- Math and reading tutors
- Testing support
- Library books and resources
- The Arts (TAG, Instrumental music, choir, art docents)
- Equity committee
- Classroom technology
- Field trips
- Mini grants for teachers
- Community giving and family support
What can I expect at this year’s auction?
Book your sitter and prepare yourself for Loyal Heights’ celebration of the year. Put on your party clothes (pick your color and dress from head to toe—monochromatic, of course!) and expect to stay busy with all the night has to offer. Experience our new venue, meet new friends, taste Nordic-inspired foods and get to know your community while supporting our kids’ education.The Color the Night Celebration will be hosted in Ballard’s stunning, new Nordic Museum and will include an array of activities, appetizers, silent auctions, a plated dinner and live auction.
When you arrive, grab your drink tickets for our cash bar, peruse our delicious appetizer stations, check out the wine toss and balloon bust, and be sure to shop the Silent Auction to bid on seriously amazing items – sports tickets, vacation packages, gift certificates, handmade crafts and much, much more. Next up is the Live Auction Program. While enjoying a plated dinner, you’ll have the chance to bid on a dazzling series of high-profile packages – travel getaways, “private” parties, unique experiences, a spot at the school sleepover for your kiddo, and the always popular Kid Art, among so many others. Keep your color ready to go with bidding games and the famous Dessert Dash – where you’ll literally make a run for your dessert!
When and how do I buy tickets?
Auction ticket sales will open on our website in early/mid January 2019. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Your admission includes a fun-filled evening of entertainment, appetizers, silent auction access, a plated-dinner and the live auction. This year, we will be offering a limited number of VIP tickets (with extra perks) as well as standing room only tickets (1 drink ticket included but no plated dinner). Details will be released soon.
What about seating?
Auction tables seat 10. If you don’t have table mates yet, consider organizing a table with other parents in your class. Select a table captain and enter their last name in the “group name” field when you check out. Don’t want to organize a table? No problem. We’ll do our best to seat you with other parents from your child’s grade. More details soon.
Why is the ticket price going up?
Expenses and vendor costs increase every year, yet we haven't raised the cost of admission tickets to cover this increase for several years. The slight increase you see this year ensures that we're able to stick to the auction's very lean budget, that we continue to absorb the cost of teacher/staff tickets and that every dollar donated at the event is directed toward students.
We're offering three different levels of tickets this year: VIP ($125), General ($85) and Cocktail "Standing Room Only" ($60). Guests are also able to purchase drink tickets in advance when buying admission tickets online. Tickets must be purchased in advance.
General Admission
This is the traditional auction ticket that we’ve always had. It includes admission for the night’s event, a bid card/number for silent and live auction, appetizers during happy hour and a plated dinner.
This includes a seat at a table of 10.
VIP Admission
This level of admission includes everything that the general admission ticket receives with special extras, such as a VIP entrance at the Nordic Museum, a glass of champagne at arrival, VIP access to the bar and a swag bag.
This includes a seat at a table of 10.
$125* (limited quantity of tickets are available)
Cocktail “Standing Room Only” Admission
This level of admission is intended to allow guests to come to the auction at a lower cost, participate in the night’s festivities but does not include a seat at the dining tables or the plated dinner. Included with this admission is a bid card/number for silent and live auction, appetizers during happy hour and 1 happy hour drink ticket. We’ll have an area to designated area with cocktail tables during the dinner and live auction portion of the evening.
$60* (limited quantity of tickets are available)
VIP and General admission ticket purchasers will sit with their requested group (more details in today’s email blast from the PTA about how to note your preference when you buy tickets online). For example, if you buy a VIP ticket, you’re not restricted to sit with only VIP ticket holders.
*Buy your tickets early! Tickets purchased Feb. 16-23 are subject to increased pricing.
Drink tickets can be purchased in advance when you buy your admission ticket online. They will also be sold during the event.
What should I wear?
Costumes and creativity are highly encouraged! Whether you fancy shorts and a T-shirt, prefer a ball down or anything in between, choose your color and go all in. And don’t forget your shoes, nails, faces and hair. And of course – you’re never fully dressed, without a smile.
How can I help?
One of our goals is to have 100% participation in our auction. Whether you volunteer on a committee, find someone to donate an item, or attend the auction, every bit helps us get closer to our ultimate goal -- to support the outstanding Loyal Heights teachers and staff as they give our children a most awesome educational experience.
Donate your time and talents.
Many hands make light work, and this is especially true during auction season. From procuring donations to decorating the venue, from stuffing envelopes to clean-up, we’ve got a job to suit your schedule and your interest whether you have two hours, two weeks or two months to donate to the cause. Volunteering is a great way to meet new friends and add a significant event to your résumé. Keep an eye out for weekly auction updates with a wide variety of opportunities to help.
Donate your goods and services.
Do you run your own business? Do you own a cabin or a time-share? Are you an avid sports fan with season tickets? A personal chef? A mountain-climber? Avid gardener? Can you plan a party? Or would your family or employer like to sponsor a portion of the evening? Surprise us with your amazing ideas for silent and/or live auction items, or let us give you ideas! Email us at auction@loyalheightspta.org
Come to the event! Ticket sales will open in early/mid January 2019. Mark your calendar for March 23 and arrange your childcare, then plan your outfit and grab your tablemates for the party of the year!
Deliver an auction item.
This is where it really takes a village to have a successful auction. More often than not people are more than happy to help out their local schools, but often don’t know how or aren’t asked. Think about asking for a gift certificate from your child’s dance studio, favorite restaurant or a bottle of something that tickles your fancy from the local brewery, distillery or winery. Please email procurement@loyalheightsPTA.org with auction procurement ideas.
Be a sponsor (or find someone that can).
Want to step up a cash contribution? Do you own a business, or know someone who does? Become a LHE Auction sponsor. This is a great way to advertise to our community and help us support local businesses! Please email auctionsponsorship@loyalheightspta.org to learn more.
You can even sponsor a teacher’s ticket – or a teacher table!
A wonderful way to participate in the auction is to donate a ticket – or a table! – so our fabulous Loyal Heights teachers and staff can attend. Look for the “Fund a Teacher Ticket” link when ticket sales go live in January.
2019 Auction Co-Chairs Katrina Hupp is mom of a second and fifth grader and Whitney Haas Otto is mom of a second and fourth grader. They would love to have you on the team! Send an email to
auction@loyalheightspta.org and like us on Facebook: Loyal Heights PTA Annual Auction.