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Loyal Heights PTA Come Sail Away 2023
Saturday, March 25, 2023

Auction FAQs and What to Expect

What is the PTA Auction?

Each year the PTA holds the event to support our children’s educational experience, rally behind our teachers and staff, and build our community. Funds raised on this night support things like social and emotional learning, tutoring, classroom resources, staffing, the arts and more.

Why do we do a fundraising auction?

The short answer is funds raised by the auction help close the gap between district funding and the actual cost of the education students receive at Loyal Heights. Funds raised at the auction help ensure there are adequate means to support the basic needs of our teachers, facility improvements, and enrichment programs for our students, all of which sustain and enhance our school year after year. Because of the auction, LHE is able to provide: tutoring, instrumental music, enough office staff to run the school smoothly, discretionary funds teachers use to support their classrooms, large office supplies such as a laminator and printer ink, staff development for teachers/staff, family support for those in need, a full-time school counselor and much, much, more!

Also, we have an auction because it is a ton of fun! It’s a great evening for parents/guardians and staff members to connect and celebrate as a community! You will undoubtedly feel a surge of pride and love for our Loyal Heights Elementary and it's a special event not to be missed.

When and where is the auction?

When: March 25th @ 5pm

Where: The Sunset Bay Lodge @ The Ballard Elks

When will tickets go on sale?

You will receive a formal auction invitation in early February; tickets will be available to purchase on the auction website, starting the day you receive your invitation. Go to https://lhes.ejoinme.org/tickets to buy yours.

Is there a theme and do I have to dress up?

This year’s theme is Come Sail Away! Dressing up is encouraged but not required. Typically the LHE community embraces each theme with LOTS of enthusiasm. We foresee folks interpreting the theme creatively (perhaps more so than dressing “fancy”) casual to extreme yacht rock! Your favorite 80's band t-shirt, Miami Vice, Sailing Chic...—options are as wide as the sea! Have fun and come as you feel comfortable!

I want to come to the auction, but we are new to the school, and we don't really know anyone? How are seats assigned?

The auction is a GREAT way to get to know the community better! We encourage you to reach out to other families in your student's class and invite others to join you at your table. If that is not possible, you will be assigned a seat—and we promise, everyone you sit with will be awesome!

What items are classes/families asked to donate?

ART: Traditionally each class creates a piece of art we then auction off. Volunteers from each class help students execute an art piece; in the past these pieces have regularly sold for 4 figures! If you are interested in helping with auction art, please contact your room parent ASAP.

Baskets/Experiences: Every year each class contributes a themed basket or experience to the auction. Usually the room parent(s) will send an email inviting families to buy an item for the basket or contribute funds to go along with a fun theme; the basket is then sold in our online auction. Past basket themes have included LEGO, night at the movies, gardening, etc.

Wine for the life ring wine toss: One of the most popular activities at the auction is the “wine toss" or this year "wine lasso". In the weeks leading up to the auction, families can donate a bottle of wine to be used in the toss.

Are students involved in the auction?

Students are not involved in the actual auction night event (it’s an adults-only event). But students do sell raffle tickets in the weeks leading up to the auction, which is a very popular (and competitive) portion of the overall auction fundraising effort. The top few students who sell the most raffle tickets win a coveted prize, the top-selling class wins a pizza party, plus prizes are awarded to weekly top-selling students during raffle ticket sales. Additionally, the winner of the raffle is drawn at the event and gets $1,000!

How can I help???

Right now our greatest need is for business sponsorships and donations of auction-able items and experiences!

Do you have a small business or know someone who does? Consider sponsoring our auction! Email auction@loyalheightspta.org

We also need amazing items to sell at the auction. You can help by taking that extra minute to walk into your favorite store or restaurant and ask if they’d be willing to donate a gift certificate. Gather your friends to host a dinner party or activity. Ask your company if they’d be willing to donate, or even sponsor a portion of our auction. More often than not community businesses are happy to help out their local schools, but often don’t know how or aren’t asked.

Need a more specific idea? Please email us with ideas and questions at auction@loyalheightspta.org

I can't attend the auction, and don't have an item to donate, but I would still like to support the fundraising, is that possible?

Yes! There are lots of ways to give, even if you don't attend!

In addition to the evening auction, we will also run an online auction. The online silent auction will be held from March 19-26. Everyone is welcome to participate!

You can also make a direct, and fully tax deductible, cash contribution to the auction.

If you can't attend, but have a little more to spend, you can buy a teacher table for $1,200 or a staff/teacher ticket. We provide all staff members with a gratis ticket to the event, but donations like this help defray these costs. (This donation is 100% tax deductible).

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