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Come Sail Away!!

Each year the PTA holds our auction to support our children’s educational experience, rally behind our teachers and staff, and build our community. Funds raised on this night support things like social and emotional learning, tutoring, classroom resources, staffing, the arts and more.

We raise funds at the auction to help close the gap between district funding and the actual cost of the education students receive at Loyal Heights. Funds raised at the auction help ensure there are adequate means to support the basic needs of our teachers, facility improvements, and enrichment programs for our students, all of which sustain and enhance our school year after year. Because of the auction, LHE is able to provide: tutoring, instrumental music for 4th graders, enough office staff to run the school smoothly, discretionary funds teachers use to support their classrooms, large office supplies such as a laminator and printer ink, staff development for teachers/staff, family support for those in need, a full-time school counselor and much, much, more!

Also, we have an auction because it is a ton of fun! It’s a great evening for parents/guardians and staff members to connect and celebrate as a community!

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